Monday, May 26, 2008

To Do:

- Clean my room (its a disaster zone)
- Start and finish my research paper due tomorrow
- Ship my first book sold on woo hoo! I'm making some money
- Put those damn dresses up on eBay before Prom season is over
- Get some lunch with Dom Dom and her new man
- Pick apart Dom's new man
- Approve or disapprove of the new, hopefully, man and not boy
- Get these certain thoughts out of my head about a certain someone
- Read, read, read for Political Science-- the other students in there know their ish and there is a discussion (normally turned into a battle of knowledge) tomorrow

Can my life get anymore exciting? Yes, actually... when I add in the Angels game tonight! Now my life on the fun-o-meter hit about a 3?... Yeah sounds about right. Totally stoked on the game though. Last time I went it was with the same group of girls and oh man it was a good night.
Tailgating + game= much better choice then beach trip... not so beachy weather outside.

That list barely sums up what needs to get done these next couple weeks really. I am realizing that move in day is coming closer and closer. I don't have a bed yet. I have a duvet cover... but no furniture or decorations of any kind for mi dormitoro (spanish for room, right?). Not good.

Whew... changes are gonna be happening soon. I both welcome and refuse them. Mixed emotions definitely. I'll just go with the saying 'change is good.' Lets hope the ones to come are.

PS Can't wait to see you Shebster!! 1 day

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